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Takawaenga / Community Māori liaison

Takawaenga / Community Māori Liaison

A takawaenga (Community Māori Liaison) is available to support mana whenua aspirations and needs of the community, introductions to our services and meet people where they are, so that there is no whakama in accessing the services and resources we have on offer.

The Takawaenga help us to nurture and grow deeper relationships with local hapū so that we can get to know and understand our mana whenua and tangata whenua community at a deeper level, and enhance and strengthen our delivery outcomes and impact as a result. 

Errol has also enabled or supported many partnerships for Eastern Coromandel Community Services, including Coast Care Waikato, Tunaiti roopu, Wharekawa catchment group, and Whangamatā Habour Care.

Deliverables include:

  • A whenua education programme for local students to improve their connection to the whenua. The conservation programmes provide information on the restoration of native flora and fauna, pest management, and the coordination of planting days with the students.

  • Mentorship for the year 10 youth initiatives Tōku Ara and Whiti Te Ra, involving rangatahi in a residential transformational change programme to strengthen their self-worth and connections (delivered by Charitable Trust Te Ata Wharekawa).

Our Takawaenga and Eastern Coromandel Community Services Chair are both Honorary trustees of the Whangamatā Community Marae Trust. The Marae Trust is focused on the development of the Community Marae and Wellness Hub at 101 Lindsay Road, and raising awareness and participation in Māori community activities such as Matariki, kapa haka and Te Reo Māori lessons.

Our Takawaenga works with all ages.

Contact Errol at errol.gilbert@communityservices.org.nz to connect or make a referral Help Starts Here.


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